Page:Martha Spreull by Zachary Fleming.pdf/122

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and Mrs. M'Nab got sic steive admonishment that she gethered her skirts aboot her and went ower to the Cameronian Kirk. As a contribution to peace and compromise, the Rev. Horace Haveral changed his stockings; and before they left us, ane o’ the four ministers preached sic a powerfu’ discourse on britherly love, as bathed the hale congregation in tears. We a’ felt it wis a happy settlement o’ a disturbance that should never have taken place.[1]

Efter that we settled doon steadily to the sterner work o’ the Disruption o’ the Kirk o’ Scotland, the which we managed within the self-same year.

  1. I mind this case well—being at the time, in the first year of my Eldership. The four members of the Presbytery chosen were men famed for their prudence in dealing with disaffected congregations. The changing of the stockings, however, was looked upon, at the time as an important element in the settlement of a siccar and vexatious quarrel.—Ed.