Page:Martha Spreull by Zachary Fleming.pdf/68

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young. The cratur wis badly brocht up. Ye maun mind that, for what could ye expect frae a laddie wha wis sae illversed i' the Catecheesm as no' to be able to answer "Man's Chief En'," when I tackled him in Dr. Threshie's schule on the examination day?

This valuable compendium o' faith and mainners had been a sealed book to him. Thinks I, there are twa sides to man's nature, and, as ane o' them is receivin' due attention frae the Professors o' the College, it lies at my door, as a Christian wumman, to see to the ither.

"Willie," said I, unco severe-like efter these reflections, "it wis a desperate wicked thing ye did, but it wis a far waur thing ye ettled to dae. What in this worl' could ye mean by layin' a string to catch a young lass by the cauf o' the leg? Noo," quoth I, "ye're badly in need o' mendin', and ye maun

mak' up yer mind to begin to yer Question-book the morn; for what ye maist want in yer present graceless condition, is to be weel grundet i' the Moral Law."