Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/101

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BAL BAIRD, THOINIAS. A Treatise on the laws of Scotland, relative to master and servant, and master and apprentice. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1841. A learned, elaborate, carefully written, and authoritative treatise. —— ^ . The law of Cessio Bonorum, and the procedure in the inferior Courts of Scotland, under the Stat. 6 <fc 7 Will. IV. c. 5G. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1836. BALDASSERONI, POMPEO. Leggi e Costumi del Cambio, ossia trattado suUe lettere di Cambio. 3 torn. 4to. Modena. 1805. " This work is very learned and well arranged." Reddie's Mar. Com. 302. . Dissertazione sulla necessita ed importanza della compilazione di un codice generale del coramercio di Terra e di Mare del Regno d'ltalia. 8vo. Milano. 1807. BALDASSERONI, ASCANIO. Dizionario Ragionato di Giuris- prudenza Marittima e di Commercio. 4 torn. 4to. Liverno. 1811-14. . Trattato del I'Assecurazione Maritime, del Cambio Maritime, dell Avaria, e lege e Costumi, etc. 4 torn. 4to. Firenza. 1786. Ibid. Sec. ediz. 1801. 5 torn. Of the second edition of this work, the first two volumes are devoted to the contract of insurance ; the third volume is devoted to Cambio Marittimo, or bottomry and respondentia, with a collection of the recent decisions of the Rota Romana, of the Rota Civile de Genoa, of the Consoli di IMarc di Pisa, and of the Rota Fiorentina ; the fourth vol. is devoted to jetison, averages and contributions, with a collection of the opinions of lawyers, and of decisions of the different courts before men- tioned ; and the fifth volume contains a Collezione delle Leggi Consti- tnzioni ed Usi, delle Principali Piazzedi Commercio d'Europa. In this Baldasseroni displays both acuteness and learning. He was acquainted with the latest English and French authorities at the time he wrote ; his arrangement is good, and upon the whole the work is well worth the perusal." Lisboa thus speaks of the writings of Baldasseroni : " Entre OS Authores de nota, que alii tem florecido, como Strach, Rocouos, e Casa regis, que tratarao de Seguros, p6de-se com razao dizer, que se acha euriquecida a Literatura com a profunda obra nomissima sobre Segueros, e Cambios maritimos do Advogado Baldasseroni, que nao cede em eru- digao aos Escriptores das autras Na^oes." 1 Lisboa Principios de Direito Mercantil, Pref. II ; Reddie on Marit. Com. 301. 89