Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/123

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BEN BELTZ, GEORGE. Review of the Chandos Peerage case, adju- dicated 1803, and of the pretensions of Sir S. Egerton Bridges, Bart, to designate himself per legem terras, Baron Chandos of Sudeley. 8vo. London. 1834. BENCH FORMULIST, THE. Being a Directory to the Forms of Instruments and Processes used by justices of the peace out of Sessions. 8vo, London. 1846. BENDLOE, GULIELME. Les Reports des divers resolutions et judgments donne par les judges de la Ley en le Temps del Reigne de Hen. VHL, Edw. VL, and Mar. Eliz. Jac. L et Car. L folio. London. 1661. Several different copies of Bendloes's Reports have been published. It appears that extracts and abridgments from the original manuscript ■were made by different persons, and published as Bendloe's Reports. John Row^e, who edited Bendloe's Reports, and published them with Dalison's, says of the former : " In one copy which I have there are in all two hundred and forty cases, which are many more than are in the best former edition ; in another, there are but about one hundred cases, and that was my Lord Coke's own copy, which he used and noted with his own hand ; and it is manifest that these different copies were but different notes and extracts from the original, wherein such as col- lected them made use of their own judgments in the manner of abridging and in the choice of the cases." Some of the cases reported by Bendloe and Dalison, will be found at the end of Ash's Tables and Keilway's Reports. The edition of 1689, by Rowe, is the most accurate and desir- able. Bendloe's Reports were formerly much cited, and that they "contain notable matters and resolutions in law, profitable to be known and fit for argument, doth evidently appear even by that great Rabbi of the law, Sir Edward Coke, in the arguing of whose reports (and also in his Institutes,) no small authority is given to those of our author." In the edition of 16G1, there are several mistakes in the paging. Pref. to Bendloe and Dalison's Reports ; Bridgman's Leg. Bib. ; Wallace's Reporters. BENECKE, WILLLVM. System des Assekuranz und Bodmerei- wesens. 5 vols. 8vo. Hamburg. 1805-10. Translated into English by the author, under the following title : A Treatise on the Principles of Indemnity in Marine Insurance, Bottomry and Respondentia ; and on their practical application in eflecting those contracts, and in the adjustment of all claims arising out of them. 8vo. London. 1824. Translated from the English into French, 111