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BRA out of any copy, and the book was published, differinof, as it is sup- posed, from the author's arrangement and distribution of the subject. The editions are, folio, London, 1569, 4to., IGIO. In printing- this last edition, some pains, as it appears from the preface, was talien by the editor, T. N., to correct and improve the text, by collating it with various manuscripts, which duty, it is to be regretted, was not as carefully per- formed as it ought to have been, there being at the time several manu- scripts in existence, and accessible, more correct than the printed second edition. 2 Reeve's Eng. Law, 86; (4) 570 ; 1 Blk's. Com. 72; Jones' Bail. 52, 76; Hale's Hist. Com. L. 189; 1 Burns' Eccl. L. Pref. 24; Ful- beck's Study of the Law, 70; Nic. Eng. Hist. Lib. 139, 149; 1 Bart. Conv. 12; Wright's Study of the Law, 183 ; Ram. on Legal Judg. 83; Bridg. Leg. Bibli. 27 ; 5 Barn. & Aid. 282 ; 5 Bing. 167; Blax. Cod. Leg. 93. BRADBY, JAMES. A Treatise on the law of Distress. 2d ed. with considerable additions. By John Adams. 8vo. London. 1828. 8vo. New York. 1808. See Lmo Library. BRADFORD, WILLIAiM. Inquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1793. BRADFORD, JOHN. The Office, Duty, and Authority of Jus- tices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Coroners, Constables, Jailers, and Jurymen. With Precedents, suited to any case that can possibly arise in the Discharge of the Duties of either of these officers, in Kentucky. The whole Alphabetically digested. To which is added a Guide to Superior and County Clerks ; an Epitome of Blackstone's Commentaries ; Law Maxims ; Remedies by Action ; and Law Fictions. 8vo. Lexington. 1820. BRADLEY, R. Practical Points, or Maxims in Conveyancing, drawn from the daily experience of a very extensive practice ; to which are added critical observations on the various parts of a deed. 3d ed. By J. Riston. 8vo. London. This is a collection of the notes of an eminent Conveyancer upon points of practice, and the technical minutiae of Conveyancing as they were suggested in the course of the author's professional life. They contain some useful hints, but are not all to be depended upon. 1 Bart. Conv. 41. BRADY, JOHN H. The Executor's Account Book, or a safe and easy method of keeping executorship accounts, &c. 4to. London. 1830. 141