Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/160

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BRI BRIDGMAN, SIR JOHN. Reports from the 13th to the 19th of James I. folio. London. 1659. These Reports weje originally taken in French, from which they were translated into English and published after the author's death. The reporter was a Sergeant at Law, and Chief Justice of Chester, "the memory of whose great learning and profoundness in the knowledge of the laws of England still remains." The cases are pretty fully reported, " but they embrace so short a period that they are not often referred to, nor do we understand that they are highly esteemed." 1st ed. 1652; Bridg. Leg. Bib. 33 : Pref. to the Reports. BRIEF Declaration for what manner of Special Nuisance concern- ing Private Dwelling Houses, a man may have his Remedy by Assize or other Action, as the case requires, &;c. 4to. London. 1636. Account of the many Prosecutions of the people called Quakers, in the Exchequer, Ecclesiastical, and other Courts, for demands recoverable by the Acts made 7 & 8 Wm. III., for the more easy recovery of Tithes, Church Rates, &c. 8vo. London. 1736. Inquiry into the Ancient Constitution and Government of England, as well* in respect of the Administration as Succession thereof. 12mo. London. 1695. Conceipte of English Policie, containing certaine Ordinaire Complaints, or our Countrymen. 4to. London. 1581. Deductions relative to the Aid and Supply of the Executive Power, in cases of Infancy, Delirium, or other incapacity of the King. 4to. London. 1788. (Said to be written by Francis Hargrave. Clarke.) Discourse concerning the Power of Peers, and Commons of Parliament, in point of Judicature. 4to. London. 1680. Discourse, Declaring and Approving the necessarie and inviolable maintenance of the Landable Customers of London ; namely, of that one, whereby a reasonable Partition of the Goods of Husbands among their Wives and Children, is provided, &c. Bvo. London. 1652. Relation of the Cause and Sufferings of William Corre ; together with a Plea against the Jurisdiction of the House of Lords. 4to. London. 1670. 148