Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/168

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BRU BROWNLOW, RICHARD, and JOHN GOLDSBOROUGH. Reports of Cases in Common Pleas, in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2d ed. 4to. London. 1G75. BROWNLOW, RICHARD. Latine Redivivus; a Book of Entries of such Declarations, Informations, Pleas in bar of Abatement, Replications, Rejoinders, Issues, Verdicts, &c., contained in the first and second parts of his Declarations, folio. London. 1693. Several surreptitious and imperfect copies of Brownlow's forms, were published and in use before the complete copy of 1693. They were translated into English, and published in 1653; and again, with addi- tions, in 1654. In 1693 they were republished in Latin, their original language, with additions, because the editor says " that in 1653 and in 1654, these Entries were unskilfully turned into English." One of the translators in speaking of the work, says, "I may dare to promise, without the imposition of temerity, that allowing for human incidency, it may as justly claim the title of perfect as any thing of this nature hitherto published." . Brevia Judicialia ; or, Approved Forms of all sorts of Judicial Writs in the Common Bench, with the Returns of the said Writs, folio. London. 1662. This is a selection from the voluminous manuscript pleadings of Brownlow, made after his death by some unknown compiler. BRUCE, ALEXANDER. Institutions of Military Law, Ancient and Modern. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1717. . The Tutor's Guide ; or the Principles of the Civil and Municipal Laws and Customs, relating to Pupils and Minors and their Tutors and Curators. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1714. '&' . Principia Juris Feudalis, Institutionum Imperia- lium Methodo (quantum materiae feudalis ratio palitur) Disposita ; accedunt notae et Observationes Practicae ad mores palrios tarn antiquos quam hodiernos singulis tilulis annexae. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1713. . An Index or Abridgment of such Acts of the Bri- tish Parliament, as either equally concern the whole United King- dom, or particularly relate to Scotland ; from the conclusion of the Treaty of Union, in 1707, to the year 172G. Svo. Edin- burgh. 1726. 156