Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/178

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BUR Leg. 225 ; Hoffman's Legal Study, 420 ; Ram on Legal Judgment, 102 ; 1 Bos. & P. 586 ; 19 Ves. 19 ; 3 Durn. & East, 96. BURROW, SIR JAMES. Reports of the Decisions of the Court of K. B. upon Settlement Cases, from the year 1732 to 1776. 3d ed. 4to. London. 1786. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin. 1790. . Question concerning Literary Property, deter- mined by the Court of K. B. in the Cause between Millar and Taylor, with the separate Opinions of the four Judges, and the Reasons given by each in support of his Opinion. 4to. London. 1773. BURROWS, EDWARD. A new and complete Book of Rales, comprehending the Rates of Merchandise as settled by 12 Car. IL c. 4, 11 Geo. L c. 7, and subsequent Acts, &c. ; continued by an Appendix to 14 Geo. IIL fol. London. 1774, BURTON, PHILIP. Practice of the Office of Pleas in the Court of Exchequer, both ancient and modern. Compiled from authentic materials, with Precedents of Pleading, &c. 2 vols. Svo. Lon- don. 1791. — < . Practice in the Office of Pleas in the Court of Exchequer, epitomised. Svo. London, 1816. BURTON, JOHN HILL. The Law of Bankruptcy and Insol- vency, and Mercantile Sequestration in Scotland. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1845. "This work reflects credit on the Scottish Bar ; in fulness and lucidity of general proposition, in vigour and accuracy of critical inquiry, in scope of research and terse power of thought and expression, it stands in honorable contrast with the great herd of text books." 2 L. M. N. S. 201. BURTON, W. H. An Elementary Compendium of the Law of Real Property. 6th ed. with Notes. By E. P. Cooper. Svo. London. 1844. See Law Library/. Burton's Compendium is a most valuable publication. It is learned, precise, and accurate, and " there is not to be found in it a superfluous word." Several of the editions have been carelessly edited, but the latest edition, by Mr. Cooper, contains the recent alterations by enact- ments and decisions, and is in every respect worthy of attention. War- ren's L. S. 572; I L, M. 265 ; 5 M. L. M. 267; 3 Jurist, 127, (9) 11. 166