Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/180

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BYT BUTLER, B. F. A Plan for the Organization of a Law Faculty in the University of the City of New York. 8vo. New York. BUTT, G. Suggestions as to the Conduct and Management of a County Contested Election, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1830. BYLES, J. B. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Bills of Ex- change, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes, Bankers' Cash Notes, and Checks; with an Appendix of Statutes and Forms of Plead- ing. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1843. See Law Library. An able and carefully written Treatise, but too concise for the pur- poses of general reference. Tompson's Young Attorney, 57 ; 1 Legal Examiner, 347; 2 Edin. L. Chron. 59; 2 Jurist, 1021 ; 3 Leg. Exam. & L. C. 377. . Observations on the Usury Laws, on the Effect of the Recent Alterations, &c. 8vo. London. 1845. The author proposes, in this little Treatise, an alteration in the Usury Laws, by introducing the French system, which declares all contracts for the use of money beyond a certain period void, without a forfeiture of the original sum. BYNG, JOHN, (Admiral.) Proceedings of the Court Martial on Ivis Trial, with his Defence. 4to. Boston. 1757. BYNKERSHOCK, CORNELIUS VAN. Quaestionum Juris Publici Libri duo, quorum Primus est de Rebus Bellicis, Secun- dus de Rebus varii Argumenti. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum. 1737. Opera Omnia. 2 torn. fol. 1767. The first book of this Treatise " is known and admired wherever the law of nations is acknowledged to have a binding force." Heineccius calls the author " a man of consummate learning and ability, possessing a sound discriminating mind, and an extraordinary and incredible fund of legal knowledge." P. S. Duponceau ably translated into English and annotated the first book of the Quesiioncs Juris Puhlici. 8vo., Philadel- phia, 1810. The translator omitted many of the author's references, and the 23d chapter, and abridged several others. Lee's Treatise on Cap- tures is in part a translation of Bynkershock. Kenyon's Cases, 331; Wheaton's Law of Nations, 191 ; Poth. Mar. Cont, IGl; 7 N. A. Rev. 337 ; Manning's L. of N. 34 ; 2 Bur. G90; 1 Kent's Com. 18. BYTHEWOOD, W. M. The Law of Savings Banks. 12mo. London. 1824. 168