Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/185

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CAR CAMUS, M. Lettres sur la Profession d'Avocat; et Bibliothcque Choisie des Livres de Droit, qu'il est le plus utile d'acquerir et de Conuaitre. 5th ed. Par M. Dupin. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1832. CANADA, LOWER. Provincial Statutes of, from the 8th Geo. IV., to the 4th Wni. IV., in French and English. 2 vols. 4to. Quebec. 1829. CANADA, UPPER. The Statutes of; together with such British Statutes, Ordinances of Quebec, and Proclamations, as relate to the said Province, from 1791 to 1834. 2 vols. 4to. Kingston. 1834. CANNING, T. Observations how far a Contingent or Rever- sionary Interest of Husband and Wife, in her Right in Personal Estate, is Assignable in Deed or in Law during Coverture, 8vo. London. 1820. CANONS of the Church of Scotland ; drawn up in the Provincial Councils, held at Perth, 1242 and 1269. 4to. Edinburgh. 1769. CANTWELL, JOHN. Practical Treatise on the Law of Tolls and Customs, payable in Dublin, and in every City, Corporate Town, Fair, and Market, in Ireland ; with an Appendix, contain- ing the Acts of Parliament on this subject. 8vo. Dublin. 1817. CAPMANY, ANTONIO. De Codigo de las Costumbres Mari- timas de Barcelona. 2 tom. 4to. Madrid. 1791. CARDIGAN, EARL OF. Trial of, before the Right Honourable the House of Peers, in full Parliament, for Felony. 8vo. Lon- don. 1841. CARE, HENRY. English Liberties ; or the Free-born Subject's Inheritance. Containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the Statute, De Tallagio non Concedendo, the Habeas Corpus Act, and several other Statutes ; with Comments on each of them. Likewise Proceedings in Appeals of Murder, of Ship money, Parliaments, &c. 4th ed. By W. N. (William Nelson.) With large additions. 5th ed. Svo. London. 1719. 12mo. Boston. 1721. 173