Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/201

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CHI CHETWYND, JAMES. A Treatise upon Fines; containing their Nature, Antiquity, and Definition, by ancient authors. And also, in what Courts, and upon what Writs fines may be levied; with some general Observations on the Nature of Deeds, leading, and declaring the uses of Fines and Recoveries. 4to. London. 1774. CHEVES, LANGDON, Jr. Reports of Cases at Law, argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. 1839- 40. 8vo. Columbia. 1840. . Cases in Chancery in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from Nov. 1839, to May, 1840. 8vo. Columbia. 1841. CHIPMAN, NATHANIEL. Principles of Government; a Trea- tise on Free Listitutions, including the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. Burlington. 1833. " The style of this work is very involved and obscure. His thoughts are not distinct, and the work, as a whole, is too abstract and inconclu- sive to be of much service to practical men." 13 A. J. 4G5. . Reports and Dissertations, in two parts. Part L Reports of the Supreme Court of Vermont, from 1789 to 1791, inclusive. Part IL Dissertations on the Statute adopting the Common Law of England, the Statute of Conveyances, the Sta- tute of Off-sets, and on the Negotiability of Notes, with an Appendix of Forms. 12mo. Rutland. 1793. CHIPMAN, DANIEL, An TEssay on the Law of Contracts for the Payment of Specific Articles. 8vo. Middlebury. 1822. This Essay was written to show what the Law of Contracts ought to be rather than what the Law of Contracts is. " The works of Chipman and of Verplanck on Contracts, though conceived in the proper spirit, are not as thoroughly discussed, either on principle or authority, as we could have wished, nor are they embodied in as neat and polished style as even essays should be." Hoffman's Leg. Stu. 385. . Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Ver- mont, from December, 1789, to August, 1824. 2 vols. Svo. Middlebury. 1824. Svo. Burlington. 1835. A brief historical sketch of American jurisprudence, and of the judi- cial system of Vermont will be found prefixed to these Reports. 189