Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/206

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CHI CHITTY, JOSEPH, Jr. A Practical Treatise on Bills of Ex- change, Promissory Notes, and Bankers' Checks ; containing Forms of Affidavits of Debt in Action thereon, and of Declara- tions and Pleas on such Actions, adapted to the new Rules on Pleading, with an Appendix of all the Statutes, and decided Cases in full, from the earliest period to the present time, relating to Bills and Notes, the Bank of England, and Bankers. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1834. . A Practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal, and upon the usual Defences to Actions thereon. 3d ed. corrected, rearranged and enlarged. By T. Chitty, 8vo. London. 1840. 6th American from the 3d London edition ; with notes of American and late English decisions on the Law of Contracts. By J. C. Perkins. 8vo. Springfield. 1844. This is a very comprehensive collection of Cases upon the Law of Contracts, which " is better adapted to the wants of the practitioner than of the student, iilter for occasioral reference than for continuous reading." As a book of reference it is pre-eminently better than any existing treatise on the law of Contracts, but in the multiplicity of details, and in the mass of notes accompanying the later American edi- tions, it is often difficult to find a governing principle that will conduct one through this maze of legal learning. Mr- Chitfy's laborious and generally accurate analysis of cases, and the arrangement of his sub- ject, have conferred upon his book a degree of authority and value of no ordinary kind. It is a deservedly popular work with the profession. Professor Whiteside commends it to his students in the following lan- guage— " I ouoht not omit to recommend Chitty on Contracts. The book is skilfully arranged, clearly written, the cases well classified, and most fully collected. For both the student and practitioner this book is equally useful, instructive, and necessary." 1 Leg. Rep. 68, 299; 5 Jurist, 210; 12 A. J. 539; (21) 244; (27) 240; 34 L. M. 342 ; Warren's L. S. 758; 2 Kent's Com. 449, n. . iV Treatise on the Law of the Prerogatives of the Crown, and the relative Duties and Rights of the Subject. 8vo. London. 1820. " A valuable work." Petersdorff's Lee. 64. Summary of the Office and Duties of Constables. 3d ed. By T. W. Saunders. 12mo. London. 1844. 194