Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/21

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ABBREVIATIONS. 9 Ca. Pr. K. B. Cases of Practice in the King's Bench. Ca. C. L. Cases in Crown Law, Caw. Cawley's Laws against Recusants. Ce. C. Cepi Corpus. Cha. Add. Chapman's Addenda. Cha. Pr. Chapman's Practice of the Court of Q. B. Ch. Pre, Chancery Precedents. Ch. R. Chancery Reports. Cha. L. & T. Chambers on Landlord and Tenant. Cham. Chambers on Leases, Chan. Rev. Virginia Acts, pub. by the Chancery Judges of Va., 1785. C. or Chan. Construction, Chancery or Chancellor. C. C. Chancery Cases in Circuit Court, or Coleman's Cases. Charl. T. U. P.(<=) Charlton's Reports. Chart, or Rot. Chart. Rotulus Chartarum. The Charter Roll. Chart. Antiq.(*) Chartaj Antiquae. Ch. Charles. Chev. Cheves' Reports, C. B. Chief Baron. Ch. .1. Chief Justice. Chit. St. A. Chitty's Stamp Acts. Chit. G. L. Chitty on the Game Laws. Chit. R. Chitty's Reports. Chit. & Hul. Chitty and Hulnie on Bills of Exthange. Chit. C. L. Chitly's Criminal Law. Chit. PI. Chitty on Pleading. Chit. Burn. Chitty's Edition of Burn's Justice. Chit. Pre. Prerogative. Chit. Stat. Collection of Statutes. Chit. Com. L. Commercial Law. Chit. Des. Law of Descents. Chit, Pr. Practice. Chit. & Hul. St. Chitty and Hulme's Statutes of Practical Utility. Chit. Ap. Chitty's Law of Apprentices. perly cited by the above abbreviation, because the book contains Cases and Reso- lutions in the Court of King's Bench, concerning settlements and removals. Temp. C. J. Parker. All of Lord Holt's decisions were published in 1738, from the manuscripts of Thomas Farresley, and are referred to as Reports Temp. Holt, or Cases B. R. (<■) T. U. P. and R. M. Charlton, have both reported Cases in Georgia. In citing their Reports, in order to avoid mistakes, the appropriate initials must be used. (d) This is a collection of records containing enrolments of Charters from the time of the Saxon King Edgar, to the reign of Hen. 111. Grimaldi, 7. L. 0. 547.