Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/214

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CLI CLERK, SIR JOHN and Mr. BARON SCROOPE. Historical view of the Forms and Powers of the Court of Exchequer, in Scothind ; to which is added an Appendix, containing the Rules of Procedure, and certain Minutes of Court relating thereto. 4to. Edinburgh. 1820. CLERKE, F. Praxis Supremae Curiae Admiralitatis Un^^ cum Indice et Notis ; cui Adjiciuntur Articuli Magistri Roughton, ad Officium Admiralitatis Anglise, &c. 12mo, London. 1829. (In Latin and English.) Gierke's, or Clarke's Practice, "is a work of undoubted credit." The first edition appeared in 1G79. It was translated and printed in Latin and English in 1722, and again translated by J. E, Hall, 1809, with notes relative to the American Admiralty Practice, and forms a part of his treatise upon "The Practice of the Court of Admiralty." To the edition of 1742 were added Roughton's Articuli, which had been trans- lated in 1591 and again in 1639. 1 Kent, 380, n. ; 2 Hoffman's Leg. Study, 470 ; Reddie's Mar. Com. 421 ; 1 Atk. 296 ; 3 Durn. & East, 338. CLERKE, THOMAS W. Rudiments of American Law and Prac- tice, on the plan of Blackstone, prepared for the use of Students at Law, &c. 8vo. New York. 1842. . A Practical Elementary Digest of the Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New York, &c. 2d ed. 4 vols. 8vo. New York. 1845. CLIFFORD, HEN. Proceedings of the House of Lords in the Case of Benjamin Flower, Printer, for a supposed libel on the Bishop of LandafT; to which are added the argument in the Court of K. B. on a motion for an habeas corpus, and a Post- script containing Remarks on the Judges of that Court. 8vo. London. 1800. CLIFFORD, . Southwark Election Cases, relative to the Treating Act of 37 Geo. HI. 8vo. London. 1797, 1802. CLIFT, HEN. New Book of Declarations, Pleadings, Verdicts, Judgments, and Judicial Writs ; with the entries thereupon. By Sir Charles Ingleby. fol. London. 1703,1719. The second edition is only a new title page without any additions. 202