Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/239

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coo COOPER, C. P. An Account of the most important Public Records of Great Britain, and the Publications of the Record Commis- sioners, together with other Miscellaneous, Historical, and Anti- quarian information. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1832. . Notes respecting Registrations and the Extrinsic Formaliiies of Conveyancing. 8vo. London. 183L Reports of some Cases adjudged in the Courts of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and Vice Cliancellor, in the years 1837-8-9, with Notes. 8vo. London. 1811. . Select Cases decided by Lord Brougham, in the Court of Chancery, in the years 183.3-4, edited from his Lord- ships original Manuscripts. 8vo. London. 1835. The same Cases had already been published or were publishing by Russell and Mylne, and Mylne and Keene, when this volume made its appearance. Mr. Cooper, it appears, published tbis volume to fulfil a promise he had made to a Continental jurist, (M. Dupin,) of furnishing him in a separate work authentic copies of Lord Brougham's judgments. A second volume was promised which has not yet appeared. 15 L. M. 146; 11 L. O. 123. . Brief Account of some of the most important Proceedings in Parliament, relative to the Defects in the Admin- istration of Justice in the Court of Chancery, the House of Lords, and the Court of Commissioners of Bankrupts, together with the Opinions of different Statesmen and Lawyers, as to the Remedies to be applied. 8vo. London. 1828. COOPER, C. Act for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and "Wales, 5 &; 6 Wm. IV. c. 7G ; with an Introduc- tion and Notes. 12rao. London. 1835. COOPER, THOMAS. The Bankrupt Law of America, com- pared with the Bankrupt Law of England. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1801. See Dallas and Justinian. . Tracts on Medical Jurisprudence, consisting of the works of Farr, Dease, Male, and Haslera ; with Notes, and a Digest of the Law relating to Insanity and Nuisance. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia. 1819. COOPER, THOMAS and D. McCORD. The Statutes at large, of South Carolina, from 1682 to 1840. 10 vols, 8vo. Columbia. 1836-41. 227 -