Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/273

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DEH DECISIONS of the Court of Session, Collected by Appointment of the Faculty of Advocates, from 1825 to 1841. IG vols. Svo. Edinburgh. 1826-41. DECLARATIONS in the Upper Bench ; with Pleas, Replications, Rejoinders, Demurrers, &;c. By W. S. 4to. London. 1653. This book consists of three distinct series of pages ; in the first, pages 20, 21, 45, are wrong numbered ; in the second, there is a chasm from 5G to G5. Clarlie. DEES, R. D. The Law and Practice under the Stat. 5 & 6 Vict, c. 116, for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, on Petition to a Court of Bankruptcy ; containing full Instructions for the Preparation of the Scliedulcs and other Forms, and Suggestions for the Guid- ance of Opposing Creditors, Sic. 12mo. London. 1843. DEFENCE of the Parliament of England, in the Case of King James II., or a Treatise of Regal Power, and of the Right of the People. 4to. London. 1692. DEFENSIO LEGIS, or the whole State of England Inquisited and Defended. 8vo. London. 1674. DEFOE'S HISTORY of the Union between England and Scot- land, with a Collection of Original Papers relating thereto ; with an Introduction, &c. By J. L. de Lolme. With a Life of the author, and a copious Index. 4to. London. 1787. DEGGE, SIR S. The Parson's Counsellor, with the Law of Tythes or Tything. 7lh ed. By C. Ellis. Svo. London. 1820. DeCTore's Parson's Counsellor is a text book, which Richards referred to, as he had alwaj's understood it to be a book of some value as an authority. 8 Price, 60; Dan. 291; Ram, 52. DEIIANY, WILLIAM K. The General Turnpike Acts, 3 Geo. IV. c. 126, and 4 Geo. IV. c. 95 ; with the Reasons for Passing the Explanatory Act. 12mo. London. 1823. DE HART, AV. C. Observations on Military Law, and the Con- stitution and Practice of Courts Martial ; with a Summary of the Law of Evidence as applicable to Military Trials, adapted to the Laws, Regulations, and Customs of the Army and Navy of the United States. Svo. New York. 1846. 261