Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/280

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DIX DILTHEY, PH. HENR. Elementa juris Cambialis Russici necnon Suecici. 4to. Muscovia;. 17G8. DISNEY, J. A Practical Abridgment of the Election Law, from the Issuinff of the Writ to the Return. 8vo. London. 1812. . A Collection of Acts of Parliament, to the GOth G. in. , relative to County and Borough Elections, with Refer- ences to several reported Cases, containing the Determinations of the House of Commons ; with the Statutes relating to Ireland and Scotland. 8vo. London. 1820. . Laws of Gaming, Wager, and Horse-racing, and Gaming Houses. 8vo. London. 1806. . An Essay upon the Execution of the Laws against Immorality and Profaneness. 8vo. London. 1708. . A View of the Ancient Laws against Immorality and Profaneness. fol. London. 1729. — . Outlines of a Penal Code on the basis of the Law of England, together with a Commentary thereon. 8vo. London. 1826. DISSENTERS. A Brief Survey of the Legal Liberties of the Dissenters. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1714. DIVERSITY OF COURTS. See Courts. DIVORCE. Cases of Divorce for several Causes. 12mo, Lon- don. 1715. . Free thoughts on Seduction, Adultery, and Di- vorce, with reflections on the gallantry of Princes ; occasioned by the late intrigue between the Duke of Cumberland, and Henri- etta, wife of Richard Lord Grosvenor. By a Civilian. 8vo. London. 1771. DIX, JOHN A. Decisions of the Superintendent of Common Schools of the State of New York; together with the Laws relat- ing to Common Schools, and the Forms and Regulations pre- scribed for their Government. Svo. Albany. 1837. DIXON, R. Observations on the Proposed New Code, relating to Real Property. 8vo. London. 1827. 268