Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/284

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DOM tenure ; and is considered by antiquarians as the raost ancient and most valuable record that now exists in this or any other kingdom." " There is also a third book, which was made by command of the Conqueror, and which differs from the others more in form than matter. And a fourth book is kept in the Exchequer, which is called Domesday, and which, though very large, is only an abridgment of the others. Likewise, a fifth book is in the Remembrancer's Office, which has the name of Domesday, but it is the same as the fourth." Bridg. Bib. 97; Brookes' Bib. Leg. Ang. 11; Crabbe's Hist. 52; Clarke's Bib. Leg. 32 ; 1 Reeves' Hist. Eng. Law, 25,219; 1 Cooper's Pub. Rec. 208, n. ; Lev. lOG; Sid. 147; Hale's Hist. Eng. Law, 138, n. ; Phil.Evid. 579. DOMESDAY-BOOK. Indices. Accessit Dissertatio Generalis de ratione hiijusce Libri. fol. London. 1816. . Additamenta ex Codic. Antiquiss. Containing, I. Exon Domesday. 11. Inquisitio Eliensii. IIL The Winton Domesday. IV. The Bolden Book. fol. London. 1817. — A Translation of the Record called Domesday, as far as relates to the County of York ; including all Amounder- ness, Lonsdale, and Furness, in Lancanshire ; and such parts of Westmoreland, and Cumberland, as are contained in the Survey ; also, the Counties of Derby, Nottingham, Rutland, and Lincoln, with an Introduction, Glossary, and Indexes. By the Rev. W. Bawdwen. 4to. Doncaster. 1809. . A Translation of the Record called Domesday, so far as relates to the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Bucking- ham, Oxford, and Gloucester. By the Rev. W. Bawdwen. 4to. Doncaster. 1812. Illustrated ; containing an Account of that Ancient Record ; as also of the Tenants in Capite or Serjeantry therein mentioned, and a Translation of the difficult Passages ; with occa- sional Notes, an Explanation of the Terms, Abbreviations, and Names of Foreign Abbies, and an alphabetical Table of the Tenants in Capite or Serjeantry in the several Counties. By Rob. Kelham. 8vo. London. 1788. . A General Introduction to Domesday Boole ; illus- trated by numerous Notes and Comments. By Sir H. Ellis. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833. 272