Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/29

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ABBREVIATIONS. 17 i Ed. Edw. Treat. Edw. Ch. Edw. (Tho.) E. Egerton's (Tho). Eir. Ellesm. Post N. Ellis. Dr. & Cr. El. Elchie's or El. Ent. or Co. Ent. E. Eq. Ca. Abr. 1, 2. Eq. Eq. Ca. or R.(i') E. E. Ersk. Inst, or E. Ersk. Pr. Esp. N. P. C. Esp. N. P. Esp. Dig. Eun. Ev, Col. Stat. Extra. Joh. 14, S.^) Extra. Commun.C") Ex. Exp. Fac. Coll.C) Fairf. Falc. Edition. Edwards' Justices Treatise. Edwards' Chancery Cases. Edwards' Reports. Edward. Eirerton's Reports. (^Vide Co. Lit. 290, a.) Eirenarcha of Lambert. Ellesmere's Post Nati. Ellis on the Law of Debtor and Creditor. Elizabeth. Elchie's Decisions, Court of Session. Coke's Entries. Eodem. In the same place, or under the same title. Equity Cases Abridged. Parts 1 and 2. Equity. Equity Cases or Reports. Equity, Exchequer. Erskine's Institutes of the Law of Scotland. Erskine's Principles. Espinasse's Nisi Prius Cases. Espinasse's Nisi Prius. Espinasse's Digest of the Law of Actions and Trials. Eunomus. Evans' Collection of the Statutes. Tit. 14, Ch. 3, of the Extravagants of Pope John XXII. Extravagantes Communes. Execution, Exchequer. Expired. Faculty Collections of Decisions. Fairfield's Reports. Falconer's Court of Session Reports. (p) By this abbreviation GilberVs Reports are sometimes referred to, and as well as Modern Cases in Law and Equity, which are found in 8 and 9 Modern Reports. (q) This Collection of Constitutions, made by Pope John XXII., was called Extravagantes, because they wandered beyond the limits of prcTious works of the Canon Law. 1 Black. Com. 82. (r) There are additions made by various Popes to the Extravagantes Joannis. (s) This is a collection of decisions of the Court of Session, in Scotland, from 1752 to 1841. The Cases are referred to by mentioning the name of the Case, the volume, the day, month, and year of the decisions. There is also another collec- tion of decisions of the Court of Session, from 1621 to 1795, which are referred to by noting the collector or reporter of each volume. 2