Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/291

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DUM DUGDALE, SIR WILLIAM. Origines Jiiridiciales ; or, His- torical Memorials of ihe English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Trials, Punishment in Cases Criminal, Law Writers, Law Books, Grants, and Settlements of Estates, Degrees of Serjeants, &c. 3d ed. with curious Portraits, fol. London. 1680. " Our first inquiries after the History of the Laws of this Kingdom, ought to begin with the careful reading of Sir William Dugdale's Ori- gines Juridiciaks ; which we shall find so accurately penned, and with so good a mixture of learning and judgment, that 'twill almost do the work alone. I cannot give a hetter view of this most elaborate treatise than by telling the reader that it fully answers its title page." Nic, Eng. Hist. Lib. 75. . The Ancient Usage in bearing such Ensigns of Honor as are commonly called Arms ; to which is added a brief Discourse touching the Office of Lord High Chancellor of Eng- land ; with a Supplement thereto, by T. C. Bancks, containing a brief Treatise upon the Laws and Jurisdiction of the Courts of Law at Westminster ; with a Catalogue of the Justiciary of Eng- land, and of the Chief Justices of the Courts of K. B., C. P., with the Chief Barrons of the Exchequer ; also of the Masters of the Rolls, and of the Attorneys and Solicitors General, to 1810, &c. fol. London. 1811. DUHIGG, B. T. King's Inns Remembrancer; or, an Account of the Irish Judges, and Crown Counsel, on the Revival of the King's Inns, in 1607. 8vo. Dublin. 1805, . ' History of the King's Inns, or an Account of the Legal Body of Ireland, from its Connection with England. 8vo. Dublin. 1806. DUKE, GEO. The Law of Charitable Uses, with the learned Readings of Sir F. Moore, printed from his own Manuscript; to which is now added the Law of Mortmain, as established by the Stat. 9 Geo. II. c. 36, the whole continued to the present time. By R. W. Bridgman. 8vo. London. 1805. A standard authority upon this branch of the law. Bridg. Leg. Bib. 104; 54 Month Rev. 90 ; 3 Ves. 69. DUMONT, J. Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens, ou recueil des Trailes de Pais, d'Alliance, de Treves, fails en 279