Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/293

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DUP DUNLOP, ALEXANDER. A Treatise on the Law of Scotland, relative to the Poor. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1828. . Parochial Law. 3d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1841. "As an able and accurate exposition of the law, Mr. Dunlop's Trea- tise deserves every commendation, and may be considered as our safest authority." 1 Ed. L. J. 218. DUNLOP, BELL, and MURRAY. Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1835 to 1840. 5 vols, 8vo. Edinburgh. 1836-40. AND DONALDSON. Decisions of the Court of Session, from Nov. 1840, to Nov. 1841. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. DUPIN, M, JNIanuel des Etudians en Droit el des Jeunes Avocats. 18mo, Paris. 1835. . De la Jurisprudence des Arrets, a I'Usage de ceux qui les Font, et de ceux qui les client, 16mo. Paris. 1822. DUPONCEAU, P. S. Eulogium in Commemoration of the Hon. W. Tilghman, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1827. , A brief view of the Constitution of the United States, addressed to the Law Academy of Philadelphia. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1834. . A Dissertation on the Nature and Extent of the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States ; to which are added a brief Sketch of the National Judiciary Powers exercised in the United States prior to the adoption of the present Federal Constitution, by Thomas Serjeant; and the author's Discourse on Legal Education. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1824. The learned author of this dissertation has clearly pointed out the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the United States Courts; and has shown that the English Common Law is recognized, and has be- come a part of our national jurisprudence. The dissertation deserves to be " profoundly studied by all American lawyers," 20 N. A, Rev. 63 ; 2 U. S. Rev, & Lit. Gaz. 83; Hoff, Leg, Stu. 5G8. DUPUY, DE LA SERRA JACQ. L'Art des Lettres de Change. 12mo, Lyon. 1789. This work was first written and published in Latin, at Cologne, in 4to., 1712, and translated into Italian, by Martellini, and published at 381