Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/302

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ELL EGERTON, THOMAS, (Lord Ellesmere.) Certain Observa- tions concerning the Office of the Lord Chancellor. 8vo. London. 1651. EGREMONT, JOHN. The Law relating to Highways, Turn- pike Roads, Public Bridges, and Navigable Rivers ; with Prece- dents of Indictments, Presentments, &c., for Nuisances to the same ; and the Forms directed to be used under the Highway and Turnpike Act; also, the Power and Duties of Surveyors. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1820. EJECTMENTS. The Law of Ejectments, or a Treatise showing the nature of Ejectione Firmse. 12mo. London. 1700. ELCHIES, LORD. Annotations on Lord Stair's Listitutions of the Law of Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh. 1824. . Decisions of the Court of Session, from the year 1732 to the year 1754 ; collected and digested into the form of a Dictionary. Edited from the original MSS., by W. M. Morison, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh. ELDERFIELD, C. Cinque stium ; or, the Law of Tithes, affirmed against all opposers. 4to. London. 1654. ELECTIONS. Orders and Resolutions of the House of Commons, on Controverted Elections and Returns. 8vo. London. 1736. . Election Cases decided in the Court of Session, House of Peers, and High Court of Justiciary, chiefly from 1784 to 1796 ; digested and arranged in the order and under the tides of Mr. Wright's Treatise upon Election Laws, &c. 4to. Edin- burgh. 1796. ELEMENTS of the Logical and Experimental Sciences, considered in their relation to the Practice of the Law. 8vo. London. 1835. ELLIOT, JONATHAN. The American Diplomatic Code, em- bracing a Collection of Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Foreign Powers, from 1778 to 1834; with an Abstract of important Judicial Decisions on points connected with our Foreign Relations. Also, a concise Diplomatic Manual, con- taining a Summary of the Law of Nations, from the works of Wicquefort, Vattel, Martens, Ward, Kent, Story, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1834. 290