Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/327

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FLI paths to science." 2 Reeves' Hist. 279, 282; 10 Reports, Pref. 27 ; 1 Bart, Conv. 14; 27 L. M, .397; Crabb's Hist. 198; 1 Campbell's Lives, 18G; Nic. Eng. Hist. Lib. 142. FLETA ; seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani ; partim e Codice Mamiscripto Cottoniaiio, partim ex Antiquis roUilis, et velerimis tarn Ilistoria? quam legiini Anglix' Scriploribiis emendatus, Illus- tratus, et in Integrum Restitulus. Liber primus, Antiqua Placila Coronas Continens. fol. London. 1735. This is said to have been edited by Samuel Clarke, and is much more accurate, so far as it goes, than either of the preceding editions. It will be observed, however, that it is only one of the six books of Fleta. See Se/den. FLETCHER, ARCHIBALD. An Examination of the Grounds on which the Convention of Royal Burghs claimed the Right of Altering and Amending the Setts or Constitutions of the indivi- dual Burghs. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1825. FLETCHER, C. An Essay on the Estates of Trustees. ]2mo. London. 1835. See Law Library. FLINTOFF, OWEN. The Rise and Progress of the Laws of England and Wales ; with an Account of the Origin, History, and Customs of the Britons, Saxons, Danes, and Normans. 8vo. London. 1840. iNIr. Flintoff does not, like Reeves, attempt a minute history of the English law, but upon that portion devoted to the rise and progress of the law, he has thrown new light,- from having access to many printed documents which were not accessible when bis predecessor wrote. , The Law of Real Property, with the Statutes relating thereto, down to the present time-; containing Really, whether Corporeal or Incorporeal, the Nature thereof, and the Rights, Injuries, and Remedies of the same ; together with the principal Statutes relating thereto, from 1801 to 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1839-1840. "The author has not only conceived the scope and plan of his work with distinctness, a great merit, and an uncommon one among writers of the present day, but he has carried out his intention with judgment and ability." The second volume is an enlarged edition of his Conveyanc- ing. ]Ir. FlinlofT is an admirable writer, whose works show great indus- try and a thorough accjuaintance with his subjects. 3 .Jurist, 127; (4) 114; 4 M. L. M. 221. 315