Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/339

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GAL be found exceedingly useful, and indeed to all of the profession, who have to deal with orders of removal and appeals therefrom." 7 Jurist, 351. GALE, CHARLES J. and THO. D. WHATLEY. A Treatise on the Law of Easements, comprising the Law of Ways, Water- courses, Window Lights, Rights to support Private Nuisances, &c, 8vo. London. 1839. 1st American ed. By E. Ham- mond. Svo. New York. 1840. "A work of great ability and learning." The editor has very much increased its value by the addition of ample notes of American Cases. 8 Mes. & Wels. 493. GALE, C. J. Remarks on the Statute 3 & 4 Will. IV. c. 42, for the further Amendment of the Law, and the better Administration of Justice ; with Practical Notes. 12mo. London. 1833. " The notes are useful, accurate, and to the point." 2 Leg. Exam. & L. C. 536. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from H. T., 5 Will. IV., to M. T. 7 Will. IV. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1836-38. GALE, C. J. AND H. DAVISON. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Q. B. and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from E. T. 1841, to H. T. 1843. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1841-43. GALE, LEVIN. A List of English Statutes, supposed to be appli- cable to the several States of the Union. Bvo. GALLISON, JOHN. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the first Circuit, from 1812 to 1815. 2d ed., with additional Notes and References. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1845. "I should omit doing justice to my own feelings, as well as to the cause of truth, if I were not to select the decisions in Gallisoii's and Mason's Reports, as specimens of pre-eminent merit. They may fairly be placed upon a level with the best productions of the English Admi- ralty, for deep and accurate learning, as well as for the highest ability and wisdom in decision." 3 Kent, 20; (2) 527. GALLY, HEN. Considerations on Clandestine Marriages. 2d ed. with Additions. 8vo. London. 1759. 327