Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/347

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GIL GILBERT, SIR JEFFREY. The Law and Practice of Distress and Replevin. 4th ed, carefully revised ; to which is annexed a Practical Appendix, containing Directions from the Seizure to the Sale of Distress ; together with Precedents of Pleadings and Bills of Costs in Replevin. By W. J. Impey. 8vo. London. 1823. " The great professional learning which this Treatise displays, has long been acknowledged, and the judicious manner in which it is dis- posed has ever been admired." The Court grounded their judgment on its authority, in 2 Wilson, 83 ; 49 Crit. Rev. 292. . See Bacon on Leases, Bacon^s Abridgment, and Runnington on Ejectment. GILKIE, JAMES. Every Man his Own Procurator; or, the Country Gendenian's Vade Mecum. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1778. GILL, R. W. AND J. JOHNSON. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals, of Maryland, from 1829 to 1841. 12 vols. Bvo. Baltimore. 1829-45. GILL, . Selections from the Court Reports, originally pub- lished in the Boston Morning Post, from 1834-37. 12mo. Bos- ton. 1837. Although the above is not strictly a legal work, yet it contains some graphic illustrations, of the administration and effect of the law, that may be perused with advantage. 1 L. R. 117; 20 A. J. 231, GILL, J. Epitome of the Law, and Practice of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. 12mo. London. 1836, GILLAN, R. An Abridgment of the Acts of the General Assem- blies of the Church of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1821. GILLON, JOSEPH. A Memorial respecting the Act of the last Session, introducing the Cessio Bonorum, 53 Geo. III. c. 102, commonly called Lord Redesdale's Act. 8vo. London. 1814. GILMAN, CHARLES, A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Courts of the Slates of Indiana and Illinois, and the Circuit Court of the United States for the Seventh Circuit. 8vo. Columbus. 1844. " The work is well executed, intellectually and mechanically, and will prove highly useful to the profession in the West. It contains the essence of ten volumes of Reports, and the matter is very methocTically arranged." 1 West. L. J. 565. 335