Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/353

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GOO GOLDSMITH, G. The Doctrine and Practice of Equity, or a concise Outline of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery, designed principally for the use of Students. 3d ed. 12nio. London. 1845. See Law Library. The author has correctly and concisely laid down the leading doctrines upon the subjects embraced in his volume, and as an outline of Equity Law and Practice, it is entitled to all praise, but its possession, by the practitioner, will not preclude the necessity of a more comprehensive treatise. 6 Jurist, 83; 3 M. L. M. 393. , The English Bar, or Guide to the Inns of Court; comprising an Historical Outline of the Inns of Court ; the Regu- lations of all the Inns for the Admission of Students, and calling to the Bar; Lists of the Judges, Queen's Counsel, Serjeants at Lavv, the Benches, &c. 12mo. London. 1843. GOLDSMITH, LEWIS. An Exposition of the Conduct of France towards America; illustrated by Cases decided in the Council of Prizes in Paris. 2d ed. 8vo. New York. 1810. GONSON, SIR JOHN. Five Charges to several Grand Juries. Svo. London, n. d. [1729.] GOODENOW, JOHN M. Historical Sketches of the Principles and Maxims of American Jurisprudence, in Contrast with the Doctrines of the English Common Law, on the subject of Crimes and Punishments. Svo. Steubenville. 1819. The professed object of the author is to prove that the Courts in Ohio were not possessed of Common Law Jurisdiction, and more especially in the case of crimes and offences at Common Law- The book is ex- ceedingly scarce, less than one hundred copies having been printed. Grif- fith's Law Reg. 388 ; 12 A. J. 334. GOODINGE, THO. The Law against Bankrupts ; wherein the Statutes against Bankrupts are explained, by several Cases, Judg- ments, and Decrees, both in Common Law and Chancery ; lo which is added an Appendix. Svo. London. 1741. GOODWIN, ISAAC. The Town Officer, or Laws of Massachu- setts, relative to the Duties of Municipal Officers, &c. 12mo. Worcester. 1825. " Mr. Goodwin has adopted the plan of Dickinson's Town Officer, or rather, we may say, the plan of every author of Digests and Abridg- ments, from Brooke to Bigclow ; and has done his work more thoroughly than any of his predecessors." 4 U. S. Lit. Gaz. 31. 341