Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/369

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HAL (July, 1820,) with Remarks thereon, and upon the Statute, 1 & 2 Geo. IV. c. 78, entitled " An Act to regulate Acceptances of Bills of Exchange ;" and a Summary of the Several Points of Law and Pleadings discussed and Ruled in the Case. 8vo. Lon- don. 1821. HALCOMB, J. Report of the Trials and subsequent Proceedings in the Causes of Rowe v. Grenfell, Rowe v. Brenton and an- other, and Doe (dem Carthew) v. Brenton, relative to the Claims made by the Lessees of the Duke of Cornwall, to the Copper Mines within the Duchy Lands ; and involving, also, the Ques- tion of Title to the Lands and Estates of the Tenants. Svo. London. 1826. . A Practical Treatise on Passing Private Bills through both Houses of Parliament; containing full Description for Members who have charge of Private Bills, and for Solicitors, &c. ; Avilh a Supplement, correcting the Practice to the com- mencement of the Session, 1838, and Appendices, containing the standing Orders and Table of Fees of Lords and Commons. Svo. London. 1838. HALE, W. H. Precedents in Causes of Office, against Church Wardens and others, extracted from the Act Books of the Con- sistory Court of London, and the Archidiaconal Courts of St. Alban's, Essex, Middlesex, and Lewes, in illustration of the Law of Church Rate, and the Duty of Church Wardens. Svo. Lon- don. 1841. HALE, SIR MATTHEW. The Original Institution, Power, and Jurisdiction of Parliaments, in two Parts. Svo. London. 1707. • : Pleas of the Crown ; or, a Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters relating to that subject. 7th ed. By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. Svo. London. 1773. This Summary is very incorrect, and was never designed by the author for the press, but as a sketch or plan of the following work. The edi- tion, by Jacob, in 17 IG, contains, The Treatise of Sheriffs^ Accounts, The Trial of the Witches, &c. There is an interleaved copy in Harvard Law Library, with very copious MS. notes. Pref. Hawkins' PI. of Crown, 11 ; Foster's Crown Law, .32 ; Bridgman's Leg. Bib. 143. 357