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HAR learning concerning' public property in the sea and rivers, and collected all the law on the subject." 3 Kent, 42G ; 4 Barn. & Ores. 505. The Treatise Be Portihus, is cited as an authority. 15 East, 304 ; 5 Barn. & Aid. 285. Mr. Hargrave appears as an editor, but his Notes, and his very learned Preface, are proofs not only of the attention and care with which he has studied the writings of his author, but of his deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subjects treated in them. His observations upon the rule in Shelly's case, "has furnished, as we conceive, the true meaning of the rule, and the principle of its application ; and has shed an interest and air of novelty on it, which we do not meet with in any previous view taken of this intricate doctrine." Hoff. Leg. Stu. 18G ; Brooke's Bib. Leg. Ang. 241 ; 80 Month. Rev. 484. HARGRAVE, FRANCIS. Judicial Arguments and Collections. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1797-99. These judicial pieces are worthy of ]Mr. Hargrave's reputation as a lawyer and a reviewer. Distinguished by diligent and profound inquiry, by clear and sound judgment, and by liberal and temperate remark. His legal power, and the extent of his knowledge has rarely been equalled, and perhaps never surpassed. 28 Month. Rev. 385; (30) 158 ; 26 Crit. Rev. 164. . Juris Consult Exercitations ; consisting of Tracts upon the Laws of England, Titles of Honour, and Constitutional subjects. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1811-13. — ■ . Collectanea Juridica ; consisting of Tracts rela- tive to the Law and Constitution of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don. 1791-92. See Coke, Hale, and State Trials, HARGRAVE, J. F. A Treatise on the Thclluson Act, 39 & 40 Geo. HL c. 98 ; with Practical Observations upon Trusts, for Accumulation. 8vo. London. 1842. " Mr. Hargrave has treated his very difficult subject with much learn- innr and acuteness." 6 Jurist, 426. HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. A Collection of scarce and curious Tracts. 2d cd. By T. Parke. 10 vols. 4to. London. 1808-12. There is another edition in which the Tracts are chronologically ar- ranged, by J. Hallara, 12 vols., 8vo., London, 1808. HARPER, R. G. Select Works and Speeches. 8vo. Baltimore. 1814. 24 369