Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/392

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HEN IIEINECCIUS, J. G. Elementa Juris Naturae et Gentium. 8vo. Hala?. 1742. Aucta ^ J. Marin et Mendoca. 8vo. Matriti. 1789. . A methodical System of Universal Law ; or, the Law of Nature and Nations, deduced from certain Principles, and applied to proper Cases ; translated and Illustrated with Notes and Supplements. By George Turnbull, LL.D. ; to which is added a Discourse upon the Nature and Origin of Moral and Civil Laws, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1763. The translation is accurate, and the additions learned and valuable. Manning's Law of N. 32. . Elementa Juris Cambialis cum Animadversionibus C. Graelin. 12mo. Norimberg. 1787. This work was translated into German by Muller, 8vo., Hal., 1781, and into Dutch by Reitz, Bvo., Middleburg, 1774. The writings of this author are sound and practical, and are more commonly referred to in England and the United States than any of the Continental writers, though upon the Continent they are regarded as somewhat antiquated. Heineccius was a favourite author of the late Mr. Justice Story. L'or- donnance sur le change, rendue pour le royaume de Pologne en 1771, declare que, dans le silence de la loi, les juges se decideront d'apres I'au- torite d'Heineccius. 2 Dupin's Camus, 437 ; Mackintosh's Disc. 32. HEMERY, , AND DUMARESQ. A Statement of the Mode of Proceeding, and of going to Trial in the Royal Court of Jersey in all Causes, Criminal, Civil, and Mixed. 4to. Jersey. 1789. HEMSWORTH, RICH. A Key to the Law ; or, an Introduction to Legal Knowledge; to which is prefixed, a Discourse on the present state of the Laws of England, with Hints for the Amend- ment thereof. 8vo. London. 1765. HENDRY, W. The Method of Calculating the value of Life Annuities, Assurances, Fines payable on the Renewing of Leases, Sic. 8vo. London. 1825. HENING, WILLIAM W. The American Pleader and Lawyers' Guide, in Commencing, Prosecuting, and Defending Actions at Common Law, and Suits in Equity. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1811. " In the present work selections have been made from every book of authority ; a number of Precedents have been translated from Rastell, 380