Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/395

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HER page 211 to 250, an almost entire translation of what I have written in my ' Course of Commercial Law.' " 20 A. J. 234 ; 2 Kent, 455, n. IIENSHALL, S. and J. Domesday-Book, faithfully translated; with an Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations. 4to. London. 1799. HERAUD, J. A. A Practical Epitome and Exposition of the whole Stamp Laws and Duties, specifying what Duties have been lately Repealed, and all that are now Payable, with Directions con- cerning Deeds, &;c., with Cases, Decisions, &c. 8vo. London. 1824. HERBERT, SIR EDWARD. An Account of the Authorities in Law, upon which Judgment was given in Sir Edward Ilale'g Case. 4to. London. 1688. HERBERT, W. Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery; containing Historical and Descriptive Sketches relative to their original Foundation, Customs, Ceremonies, Buildings, Govern- ment, &CG. ; with a concise History of the English Law. Plates. 8vo. and 4to. London. 1804. HERNE, JOHN. The Pleader ; containing Forms of Declara- tions, Pleadings, Issues, Judgments, and Proceedings in all kind of Actions ; together with the Terms and Rolls they were en- tered ; also, divers Points of Learning, and various Notes and Cases, &c. fol. London. 1657. " If any man shall be so incredulous as to question whether these Entries are genuine, I referre him to the Number Roll, which points out most of them; if he be not convinced of their great use and utility, I must tell him he dissents from the opinion of sundry of the best and most skilful Clerks now living, who, having perused all, and compared most of them with the originals, have stamped our volume before its printing, Avith their Probatam est."' Pref. There is a chasm in the paging from 360 to 457, and several of the Precedents are twice printed. . The Law of Charitable Uses ; with Directions how to Sue out and Prosecute Commissions ; also. Precedents, &ic. 2d ed., enlarged. 12mo. London. 1663. Mr. Duke made pretty free use of Heme in the compilation of his work. . The Law of Conveyances ; showing the Nature, Kinds, and Effects of Assurances. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1688. 383