Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/405

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HOM Law of Libel, it slill retains some value; but as a practical book for the present day it is rather antiquated. 5 A. M. Quart. Rev. 85 ; 9 Port Folio, 183 ; 1 Hoff. Leg. Stu. 346. HOLT, F. L. Reports of Cases ruled and determined at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Conamon Pleas, and on the Northern Cir- cuit, from T. T. 1815, to M. T. 1817; to which are added copious Notes upon the most important Subjects of Commercial and General Law. 8vo. London. 1818. . A System of the Shipping and Navigation Laws of Great Britain, and of the Laws relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen, and Maritime Contracts. 2d ed., with an Appendix of the New Navigation Laws, Registry Acts, Commercial Forms, &c. Svo. London. 1824. Chancellor Kent acknowledges the assistance he derived from this Treatise, in writing Part V. of his Commentaries, and pays the author a very handsome compliment: "Mr. Holt has followed in the track of Lord Tenterden, and with great credit to himself. His work is wholly free from the encumbran.ce of foreign learning on the same subject. This omission gives the appearance of a dry practical character to the work, but the reading of it becomes quite interesting, by reason of the clear- ness of its analysis, the precision of its principles, the perspicuity of the style, and the manly, good sense of the author. The Introductory part is particularly excellent, for it contains a very condensed, yet compre- hensive, and perfectly accurate view, of all the principles in the work, entirely disembarrassed from adjudged Cases." 3 Kent, 250. . A Treatise on the Bankrupt Laws. 8vo. London. 1827. HOLT, (Lord Chief Justice.) Judgments in the Case of Ashby V. White and others, and J. Paty and others, from the original MSS. ; with an Introduction. Svo. London. 1837. ^^ee Reports, Cases. ^ HOLT, THOMAS. An Act for Abridging of the holding of Bene- fices in Plurality, and for making better Provision for the Resi- dence of the Clergy ; with an Analysis of the Act, and Practical Notes. Svo. London. 1839. HOLTHOUSE, HENRY JAMES. A new Law Dictionary, con- taining Explanations of such Technical Forms and Phrases as occur in the Works of the various Law Writers of Great Britain ; 393