Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/414

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HUG HUDSON, W. E. The Statute Law of Ireland and England, re- specting Actions, Suits, and Proceediegs, whether in the superior or inferior Courts, between Landlord and Tenant, arranged and com- pared ; with Notes, and a Commentary upon the Law connected with the subject. 8vo. Dublin. 1829. " A learned and admirable Treatise." 1 Leg. Rep. 244. HUET, M. A Treatise on the Commerce and Navigation of the Antients. Svo. London. 1717. HUGHES, R. M. The Duties of Judge Advocates; compiled from his Majesty's, and the Hon. East Lidia Company's Military Regulations, and from the Works of various Writers on Military Law. 12mo. London. 1845. HUGHES, H. G. The Practice of the Court of Chancery in Ireland. Svo. Dublin. 1837. It is said to be an indifferent work, a collection of rules with a few Cases annexed to each head. 1 Leg. Rep. 17. HUGHES, JAMES. A Report of the Causes determined by the late Supreme Court for the District of Kentucky, and by the Court of Appeals ; in which the Titles to Lands were in dispute. 4to. Lexington. 1803. HUGHES, WILLIAM. The grand Abridgment of the Law con- tinued; or, a Collection of the principal points of the Common Law of England, contained in all the Reports, from the first of Elizabeth to the year 1660. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1660-62. These volumes embrace but a short period, and the work is a mere supplement to the earlier Abridgments, but it is a good authority. 23 N. A. Rev. 6; 11 How. Sta. Tr. 1171. . Practical Directions for taking Instructions for and Drawing Wills ; with Appendix and Forms, and a Supple- ment to 1840, containing Observations on the Alteration of the Law of Wills, effected by the New Will Act, and other recent Statutes. 12mo. London. 1840. The author has drawn most of his materials from Sugden, Preston, Hayes, and other elementary writers upon the subjects comprised within the scope of his Treatise. " We are sorry that it has lately fallen to our lot to point out so many instances, of books fabricated by a species of plagiarism, that just keeps on the windy side of the law." It is quite 402