Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/431

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JAM yet in force on the subject; whatever was to be gathered from numerous legal Decisions, (Marriott, Robinson, Edwards, Dodson, Lawes, and Park ;) whatever was to be gained by a correspondence for years with men who have made the subject of maritime law the study of their lives ; whatever, in sixteen years professional experience in maritime affairs, has suggested itself to the author as useful and desirable, he here prefers, as part of that debt which every one owes to the country of his birth, and to mankind in general." The author had ample materials for composing his Treatise, and he has made diligent and appropriate use of them. Few writers upon Commercial Law, show a wider range of research than Jacobson, and few have written so learnedly within so moderate a compass. Mr. Frick's translation is accurate, and his con- tributions io the shape of notes, are brief but able. Pref. ; 7 N. A. Rev. 345; 2 Hoff. Leg. Stu. 471-75; 6 Port Folio, 223. JAGOE, J. The Act 5 & 6 Vic, c. 106, for regulating the Fish- eries of Ireland ; with Notes, Introductory Remarks, and Refer- ences on the Rights of the Sea Shore ; also, an Appendix, containing the New Game Act, 5 & 6 Vic, c. 81. 2d ed. 12mo. Dublin. 1842. . A Practical Treatise on the Game Laws, contain- ing Forms of Indictment, Warrants, Convictions, Pleadings, Pro- ceedings before Magistrates respecting Game, &c. ; with an Appendix of all the Statutes. 12mo. Dublin. 1843. JAMAICA. The Revised Statutes of Jamaica, as to Crimes and Misdemeanors ; Analytically and Alphabetically arranged, down to the 6lh Session of Victoria. 4to. London. 1844. . The Political Constitution of Jamaica, including the Judicial and Ecclesiastical Establishment of that Colony, and its Annual Laws in force, for 1844. 4to. London. 1844. JAMES, . A Digest of the Laws of South Carolina. 8vo. Columbia. 1814. ^ '^ "An imperfect book, not respected, and but little used." Griffith's Law Reg. 824. JAMES, CHARLES. A Collection of the Charges, Opinions, and Sentences of general Courts Martial, as published by authority, from the year 1795 to the present time, intended to serve as an Appendix to Tytler's History of Military Law. 8vo. '/T^ . A full Digest of the Irish Municipal Acts, 3 & 4 Vict., CO. 108, 209. 8vo. 419