Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/434

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JEN JEFFERSON, THOMAS. The Speeches, at full length, of Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Caines, the Attorney General, and General Ham- ilton, in the great Cause of the People against Harry Croswell, on an Indictmeni for a Libel on Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. New- York. 1804. . The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the public Right to the Beach of the Mis- sissippi, adjacent to New Orleans, against the intention of Edward Livingston ; printed at New York in 1812, and now re-published, with Corrections and Additional Notes. By the Author. This was published in Hall's Law Journal, but some copies were separately bound. JEFFREYS, GEORGE. Western Martyrology, or Bloody As- sizes ; with the Life of George Lord Jeffreys. 5lh ed. 8vo. London. 1705. . The Argument concerning the great Case of Mo- nopolies between the East India Company, Plaintiff; and T. Sandys, Defendant, fol. London. 1G89. JEMMETT, WH.LIAM THOMAS. The Acts relating to the Administration of I^aw in Courts of Equity, passed the Sessions of 1 Wm. IV., 2 Wm. IV., 4 & 5 Wm. IV., and 5 & 6 Wm. IV. ; with an Introduction and Notes. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1836. JENKINS, DAVID. Works upon divers Statutes, whilst a Pri- soner in the Tower, and Newgate, by command of the rebel- lious Long-Parliament. 12mo. London. 1681. . Eiglit Centuries of Reports, or Eight Hundred Cases, solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer Chamber, or upon Writs of Error, from 4 Hen. HI., to 21 Jas. L, carefully trans- lated from the French and Latin. By T. Barlow, a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. 3d ed., with the Addition of many Refer- ences, and a Table of the Principal Matters, fol. London. 1771-7. The learned, the loyal, and the excellent Judge Jenkins, was impri- soned during the revolution, for his adherence to the King, whom neither the threats nor bribes of the Lonir-Parliament, could seduce from his allegiance. The venerable old judge gives the following account of the 422