Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/443

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JUR JUDICIAL OPINIONS delivered in the Mayor's Court of the City of New York. 8vo. New York. 1803. JUDICIAL PROCEDURE. Questions which have been Dis- cussed in the Society for Considering the Forms of Judicial Pro- cedure. Bvo. Edinburgh. 1829. JUNKIN, D. X. The Oath, a Divine Ordinance, and an Element of the Social Constitution ; its Origin, Nature, Ends, Efficacy, Lawfulness, Obligations, Interpretation, Form, and Abuses. 12mo. New York. 184G. JURA ECCLESIASTICA ; or, a Treatise of the Ecclesiastical Laws and Courts ; interspersed with various Cases of Law and Equity, under proper Heads. By a Barrister of the Middle Temple. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1742 or 1749, the same. JURA CORONA. See Droit Le Roy. JURIDICAL STYLES. Vol. I. Heritable Rights. 3d ed. 4to. Edinburgh. 1826. . Vol. II. Moveable Rights. 3d ed. 4to. Edin- burgh. 1826. o . Vol. III. Signet Letters. 2d ed. 4to. Edinburgh. 1828. JURIES. A Guide to English Juries; setting forth their Antiquity, Power, and Duty, from the Common Law and Statutes ; with a Letter to the Author upon the same Subject. 12mo. London. 1682. The Complete Juryman; or, a Compendium of the Laws relating to Jurors. 12mo. London. 1752. . An Examination into the Rights and Duties of Jurors; with some Strictures on the Law of Libel. 8vo. London. 1785. . Thoughts on Trial by Jury, in Civil Causes; with a View to a Reform of the Administration of Justice in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1806. . Hints upon the Question of Jury Trial, as applicable to the Proceedings in the Court of Session. 8vo. London. 1809. JURISPRUDENT. 4to. Boston. 1830-31. This legal periodical was commenced in July, 1830, and appeared weekly for one year, and contains 416 pages. 431