Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/451

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KIL terms of sufficiently warm commendation. It is easy, clear, vigorous, unaffected." Mr. Robertson says: " We have learned the respect that is due to Professor Kffnt, the late Chancellor of the State of New York, author of the Commentaries on American Law, a name probably not inferior, as a legal writer, to any of the present day." The venerable author has not been an inattentive observer of the pro- gressive changes and developments of the law, since the first publication of his Commentaries, as will appear by an examination of the succes- sive editions, each of which contains somewhat that is not in its prede- cessor. 1 Leg. Rep. 121; Manning's L. ofN. 44; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 16G, 324; 6 Pick. 310; Robertson on Personal Succession, 76, n Smith's Mercantile Law, Intro. 7 ; Johnes' Chancery Refor.u, 22, n Story's Conflict of Laws, Dedication ; 1 Angel's Law Intel. 9 ; (2) 231 2 U. S. Rev. & Lit. Gaz. 81 ; 24 A. J. 102; (25) 114; 3 L. R. 402 (6) 289. KENT, JAMES. A Treatise on Commercial and Maritime Law. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1837. This volume is a republication 6f a part of the Commentaries. KENT, JAMES, and RADCLIFFE. The Revised Laws of the State of New York. 2 vols. Svo. 1803. Tills series was continued by Messrs. C. & G. Webster, by four sup- plemental volumes. KENTUCKY. Decisions of the Court of Appeals of the Slate of Kentucky, from March 1, 1801, to Jan. 18th, 1805, inclusive. Published by authority. Svo. Frankfort. 1805. The volume is known as Printed Decisions, or Ky. Dec. KENYON'S CASES. See Hanmer. KERR, DAVID S. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. 8vo. St. John. 1843. This more properly belongs to the Common Law, than the volumes of the Canada Reports. The decisions are able, and show a good deal of familiarity with the old English books. 6 L. R. 186. KERR, L. A Treatise on the Criminal Law. Svo. New Orleans. 1804. KIDD, JOHN. The Act 1 & 2 Vic, c. 56, for the more Effectual Relief of the Destitute Poor, in Ireland; with Prefatory Remarks, &c. 12mo. Dublin. 1838. KILBURNE, RICH. Choice Precedents upon all Acts of Parlia- ment relating to the Office and Duly of a Justice of tlie Peace ; with Notes, &;c. Sth ed., enlarged. Svo. London. 1715. 439