Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/454

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KNA KIRBY, EPIIRAIM. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Court of Connecticut; with some Determinations in the Supreme Court of Errors. 1785-88. 8vo. Litchfield. 1789. KIRKBY, WM. Rules and Orders of the Court of Exchequer, relative to the Practice of the King's Remembrancer's Office, and the Settlement of the Bounds and Limits of the Port of London, taken from the Record enrolled in the Court of Exchequer. Svo. London. 1794. KIRKWOOD, JAMES. Plea before the Kirk and Civil Judica- ture of Scotland ; divided into five Parts. 4to. London. 1698. KIRTLAND, DORANCE. A Treatise on the Practice in Surro- gates' Courts in the State of New York. 8vo. Albany. 1835. KITCHIN, JOHN. Jurisdictions; or, the Lawful Authority of Courts Leet, Courts Baron, Court of Marshalsea, Court of Pye- powder, and Ancient Demesne; together with the Learning of Tenures, Pleadings, &c. ; to which are added Forms of all Man- ner of Writs. 5th ed. By R. Antrobus and T. Impey. Svo. London. 1675. Notwithstanding this is called the fifth edition, there have been no less than twelve imprints of the work, the first of which appeared in 1580. It was a great favorite in former times, and it is said by Willes to be "a book of good authority, and the rather, because founded on old determinations, not advancing fancies of their own." 2 Yes. 609. KLLMRATH, H. Travaux sur I'Histoire du Droit Francais, Re- cueillis, mis en ordre, et precedes d'une Preface, par L. A. Warn- koenig. 2 torn. Svo. Paris. 184.3. KLUBER, J. L. Droit des gens Moderne de I'Europe. Svo. Paris. 1828. L'auteur a place a la fin de son ouvrage, une bibliotheque choisie du droit des gens. Cette bibliotheque est la meilleure que nous ayons pour cette partie. It is, perhaps, not too hard upon the work to say, that, as a general rule, Kliiber's materials are valuable, and his opinions are worthless. 2 Dupin, Profession d'Avocat, 41 ; Man. L. of N. 43. KNAPP, J. W. AND E. OMBLER. Cases of Controverted Elec- tions in the Twelfth Parliament of the United Kingdom, being the second Parliament since the passing of Acts for the Amendment of the Representation of the People. Svo. London. 1837 442