Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/463

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LAW LAW, The Law of Obligations and Conditions ; or, an accurate Treatise ; wherein is contained the whole Learning of the Law concerning Bills, Bonds, Conditions, Statutes, Recognizances, and Defeasances, &c. ; to which is added, a Table of References to all the Declarations and Pleadings upon Bonds, &c., now extant. By J. A. 8vo. London. 1G93. . The Law of Pawns, Brokers, and Usurers ; containing all the Statutes and Cases in Law and Equity, extant, which relate to Pawns and Usury, &;c. 12mo. London. 1745. . The Law Journal. "This is a publication of magnitude, which comprises Reports not only of Cases determined in the Superior Common Law Courts, but also those decided in Courts of Equity and Bankruptcy. It likewise contains a copious and careful abstract of the Statutes. The Cases are, in general, reported with skill and correctness." It numbers some thirty volumes, and the only copy that I am aware of in this country, is in the Boston Social Law Library. 7 L. M. 334. . Law and Lawyers ; or. Sketches and Illustrations of Legal History and Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 184L 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. LAW, W. J. Comments on the New Scheme of Insolvency, with some Remarks on the Changes of the Law of Certificate in Bank- ruptcy. 8vo. London. 1843. LAW, JAMES T. Acts for Building and Promoting the Building of additional Churches in populous Parishes, arranged and har- monized. 8vo. London. 1841. . Forms of Ecclesiastical Law ; the Mode of Con- ducting Suits in the Consistory Courts ; being a Translation of the First Part of Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum ; with large addi- tions from Clarke's Praxis, Conset's Practice, Ayliff's Parergon, Cockburn's Clerk's Assistant, Gibson's Codex, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1844. LAWES, EDWARD. Suggestions for some Alterations of the Law, on the Subjects of Practice, Pleading, and Evidence ; and for some Amendments of the Statutes of Frauds and Limitations. 8vo. London. 1827. 451