Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/475

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LIB LEX PARLIAMENTARIA ; or, a Treatise of the Law and Cus- tom of Parliaments, showing their Antiquity, Names, Kinds, and Qualities. By G. P. 2d ed. 8vo. London. LEX PAROCHIALIS. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1837. LEX, REX. The Law and the Prince, a Dispute for the first Pre- rogative of King and People. 4to. London. 1644. LEX SCRIPTA of the Isle of Man, comprehending the Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws, from the earliest to the present date. 8vo. Douglas. 1819. LEX VADIORUM. See Carter. LEY, SIR JAMES. Reports of divers Resolutions in Law, arising upon Cases in the Court of Wards, and other Courts at Westmin- ster, in the Reigns of King James and King Charles ; with two Tables, and a Treatise of Wards and Liveries, fol. London. 1059. "There lies a trivial objection against it, that these are Court of Wards' Cases, and that Court being now down, are therefore useless. To which I answer, that these Cases are not all resolutions of that Court, and for those that are, therein is resolved besides the matter of Tenures, not only Cases of Lunatics, Idiots, &c., which are applicable to present practice, but also many incident points which belong to other learning every day in use." There are some doubts whether the Earl of Marlborough reported these Cases. Pref. to the Reports ; Wallace's Reporters, 33. LIBER ECCLESIASTICUS ; compiled from the Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire respeciing the Ecclesiastical Revenues in England and Wales. 8vo. London. 1835. LIBER FEUDORUM. Usually printed at the end of the Corpus Juris Civilis. Of all the works on the Feudal Law of other countries, that entitled Liher Feudurum, or the Book of Feuds, is of the highest authority. It was compiled by the Emperor Barbarossa, in 1170, and published at INIilan. The glossary of Columbinus upon it, which has been highly esteemed, is frequently printed with it, particularly the edition which was revised by Minucius de Prato Vetero, which received the confirma- tion of the Emperor Sigismund, and afterwards of the Emperor Frederic III." Crabb's Hist. 70. LIBER ASSISARUM. See Vear-Books. 463