Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/485

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LOG LLOYD, T. AND G. GAMES. Report of the Trial of T. O. Sel- fridge, Attorney at Law, before the Hon. Isaac Parker, for killing Charles Austin, on the Public Exchange, in Boston, Aug. 4th, 1806. 8vo. Boston. 1806. LOGKE, JOHN. A Treatise on the Game Laws. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1840. LOFFT, CAPEL. Principia cum Juris universalis tum praecipue Anglicani. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1779. The first volume was translated into English by the author, and is a crude and immature production. Tliat part of the work which compre- hends the elements, is built upon Blackstone's Commentaries, of which a liberal use has been made, though he appears rather awkward in his Latin dress. 61 Month. Rev. 428. . Elements of Universal Law, and particularly of the Law of England ; being a translation, with Additions and Corrections of his Principia Juris Universalis. 12mo. London. 1779. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of K. B., from E. T., 12 Geo. IlL, to M. T., 14 Geo. III.; with some select Cases in the Court of Chancery, and of the C. P. ; to which is added the Case of General Warrants, and a Collection of Ma.x- ims. fol. London. 1776. 8vo. Dublin. 1790. LofFt's Reports are a continuation of Burrows', and contain some of Lord Mansfield's decisions, no where else reported. A Case in Broderip and Bingham's Reports, was decided upon the authority of Lofft, when Park, J., remarked, that he had not heard them cited three times during a professional life of forty years. "The volume, from a hasty mode of publication, is reported to be very inaccurate, and has accordingly not met with that favourable reception, which the labours of those who en- gage in this kind of work are usually entitled to from the profession." Brookes' Bib. Leg. 225; 2 Brod. & Bing. 53G ; Cooper's Bank. Law,. Pref. 7; 1 Wood. Lee. 83, n. , An Essay on the Law of Libels ; with an Ap- pendix. 8vo. London^ 1785. LOGAN, JAS. A Compendium of the Laws of England, Scot- land, and Ancient Rome, on Marriage; for the use of Students. In 2 Parts. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1840. A work of considerable merit. 19 L. O. 325 ; 7 M. L. M. 11. 473