Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/487

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LOU LONGFIELD, ROBERT. The Law of Distress and Replevin, in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. 1841. LONGLEY, JOHN. Observations on the Trial by Jury, par- ticularly on the Unanimity required in the Verdict. Svo. London. 1812. LONGO QUINTO. See Year-Books. LONSDALE, J. J. The Statute Criminal I-aw of England, as regards Lidictable Offences ; arranged in Classes, according to the Degrees of Punishment; forming the Appendix to the fourth Report of the Commissioners on Criminal Law ; with copious Notes. 12mo. London. 1839. " This volume, so far as the Statute Law is concerned, contains a com- plete code of the indictable offences and their punishments, recognized by the Law of England. We have no hesitation in describing it as the most perfect work of the kind ever issued from the press. It contains the only digest of punishments we have ever seen, and, on this account alone, the author is entitled to the thanks of the legal public. It also possesses an authority beyond the generality of modern legal publica- tions, having received the sanction of the Criminal Law Commissioners. The notes are copious, and the arrangement the best that could have been adopted, both for reference and as regards conciseness." 3 Jurist, 1109. LORD, JAMES. The Theory and Practice of Conveyancing, with Precedents, an Analytical Table of Real Property, and the recent Act to Simplify the Transfer of Real Property, intended chiefly for the Use of Students. 12mo. London. 1844. This is said to be a meagre and unsatisfactory work. 8 Jurist, 456. LOTHIAN, MAURICE. The Law, Practice, and Styles, peculiar to the Consistorial Actions transferred to the Court of Session, by Act. I., AViU. IV., c. 69. Svo. Edinburgh. 1830. LOUGHBOROUGH, P. S. A Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, of a Public and Permanent Nature, passed since 1834 ; with References to Judicial Decisions. LOUISIANA LAW JOURNAL; devoted to the Theory and Prac- tice of the Law. Edited by Gustayus Schmidt. Svo. New Orleans. 1841-42. LOUISIANA REPORTS. 10 vols. See Curnj ; Miller. 475