Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/518

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MAU MATTIIEAVS, RICHARD. Four Marriage and Registration Acts, 6 & 7 Will. IV., c. 85 & 86 ; 7 Will. IV., c. 1 ; and 1 Vict., c. 22 ; with an Introduction, a Practical Arrangement, Notes, all necessary Forms of Informations, Convictions, and Indictments, the Registrar-General's Circulars, and a copious Index, adapted to the Use of all Persons. 12mo. London. 1837. . The Criminal Law, as altered by various Statutes of Will, IV. and 1 Vict., alphabetically arranged ; comprising the new Statutes, new Forms of Indictment, the Evidence necessary to support them, the Punishment in each Case, and an Index. 12mo. London. 1837. MAUGHAM, ROBERT. The Act for Consolidating and Amend- ing the Laws relating to Attorneys and Solicitors, 6 & 7 Vic, c. 73 ; with an Introduction, Analysis of the Act, and copious Notes, showing the Effect of the Alterations. 8vo. London. 1843. " Mr. Maugham's work is good, as ^ar as it goes ; but it is little more than an analysis of the Act, with a few general Notes, pointing out some of the effects of the recent alterations." 30 L. M. 394. . OuUines of Law ; or. Readings from Blackstone and other Text Writers, altered according to the present Law, comprising Injuries to the Person and Property, and their Reme- dies in the Courts of Law, Equity, and Bankruptcy. 12mo. Lon- don. 1837. . Outlines of Criminal Law, comprising Public Wrongs. 12mo. London. 1842. . Outlines of the Jurisdiction of all the Courts in England and Wales; or, Readings from Blackstone and other Text Writers, altered according to the present Law, &;c. 12mo. London. 1838. . Outlines of the Law of Real Property, from Black- stone and other Text Writers. 12mo. London. 1842. . The Law of Attorneys, Solicitors, and Agents ; with Notes. 8vo. London. 1825. Mr. Mauffham was the first to collect and mould into form, the Law pertaining to the rights and duties of Attorneys, which had hitherto been scattered in various books. His work is more full than Dawson's or 506