Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/521

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MER this is a defect which, entailing great inconvenience upon the practitioner, might with case be corrected, by a little more attention. The marginal notes, too, arc, in many instances, causelessly long." There is an Ame- rican edition of these valuable Reports now passing through the press, with Notes of late English and American Cases, by J. I. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 27 L. M. 329. MEGGET, F. Outlines of a Plan for the Reform of the Adminis- tration of Justice in the Supreme Courts, of Scotland. 8vo. London. 1830. MEGISSON, H. A Treatise on the Administration of Assets in Equity. 8vo. London. 1832. MEIGS, R. J. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Ten- nessee. 8vo. Nashville. 1839. "The volume has received much commendation from the Bar, for its excellent arrangement." 1 South West. L. J. 5 ; 25 A. J. 243. MEISTER, . Bibliotheca Juris Naturae et Gentium. 3 torn. 8vo. GoUingae. 1749-56. MENCE, R. The Law of Libel. 8vo. London. 1824. MERCER, JOHN. An Abridgment of all the Public Laws of Virginia, in force and use. fol. AVilliamsburgh. 1737. Bvo. Glasgow. 1759. MERCHANT. The Merchant's Lawyer, or the Law of Trade in General. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1761. MEREWETHER, H. A. A Sketch of the History of Boroughs, and of the Corporate Right of Election. 8vo. London. 1822. . An Address to the King, the Lords, and Commons, on the Representative Constitution of England. Bvo. London. 1830. MEREWETHER, H. A. and A. J. STEPHENS. The History of the Boroughs and Municipal Corporations in the United King- dom, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time ; with an Examination of Records, Charters, and other Documents, Illus- trative of their Constitution and Powers. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1835. An exceedingly laborious and able compilation, but of little utility in this country. 13 L. M. 400 ; Month. Rev. 1835, 575; 14 A. J. 237. 509