Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/523

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MEY MERRIFIELD, J. The Law of Attorneys, with Practical Direc- tions in Actions, and Proceedings by and against them, and for the Taxation and Recovery of Costs ; also, on the liaw of Costs, at Common Law, in Equity, Bankruptcy, Criminal Proceedings, and Penal Actions. 8vo. London. 1830. "Not more than a quarter of the volume is occupied vvulh the Law of Attorneys, properly so called. The rest is taken up by the Law of Costs at Common Law, in Equity, in Bank, in Civil Proceedings, and in Penal Actions. We shall spare ourselves the trouble of analyzing it, as we can conscientiously affirm, that it is as full on both subjects as it is possible for a Treatise to be." 5 L. M. 434. METCALF, TilERON. A Digest of the Cases decided in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, from 1816 to 1823, including the five last vols, of Tyng's, and the first of Pickering's Reports. 8vo. Boston. 1825. . Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, from 1840 to 1845. 9 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1840-46. See Gushing; Massachusetts. The Reports of Mr. Metcalf are much esteemed, both on account of the sound learning which they contain, and the admirable manner in which they are furnished to the Profession. The facts of the Cases are concisely though not obscurely given, the points decided are accurately stated, the arguments of Counsel are very much condensed, and the notes and references may be depended upon for accuracy, for they are verified by the Reporter himself. Great professional experience and legal learning, untiring devotion to his pursuit, and a vigorous mind, are qualifications that the Reporter brings to the discharge of his duties. METCALF, T. and L. S. CUSIIING. Supplements to the Re- vised Statutes of Massachusetts, bringing them down to 1844. Svo. Boston. 1844. Since 1844, the Supplements have been continued annually by Judge Gushing. METCALF AND PERKINS' DIGEST. See United States Digest. MEYER, J. D. Esprit, Origine et Progres des Institutions Judi- ciaires des principaux Pays de I'Europe. 2d ed. 6 tom. 8vo. Paris. 1823. Get ouvrage est celui d'un homme tres-instruit du sujet qu'il traite, s'il emet quelquefois des opinions nouvelles, 11 est rare qu'il n'en four- nisse dos preuves satisfaisantes. Journal des Savans, 1819, 501 ; 1821, G08 ; 96 Month. Rev. 48G. 511