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MOD together with the Pleadings to several of the Cases. 5th ed. 8vo. London. 1794. Not a book of the greatest authority or correctness, though some Cases are well reported. 1 Ves, 11 ; Ridg. Ca. 126. MODERN REPORTS. Vol. VII, A Collection of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of K. B., in the Reign of Queen Anne, during the time Sir John Holt was Chief Justice of the Court ; taken by Thomas Farresly ; to which is now added a Collection of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of K. B., C. P., and Ch., from E. T., 6 Geo. II., to M. T., 18 Geo. II. 5th ed. By T. Leach. 8vo. London. 1796. The Cases in the last part of VII, Modern, were reported by Mr. "Wright and Luke Benne, and are no where else to be found in print. D. Pickering edited this and the preceding volumes, which were pub- lished in fol., 1757, and called the fourth edition. The editor added a good many notes and references, but some of them are inapplicable, or refer to books of doubtful authority, . Vol, VIII. Cases in K. B., from 8 to 12 Geo. I, 5th ed. By T, Leach. 8vo. London. 1795. In the Preface to the second edition, the unknown editor says that he " has done ins best to supply the defects of the former wretched edition." His laudable efforts have not sufficed to make it even a tolerable book of Reports, for it has a notoriously bad reputation. " Nine Cases out of ten, in this book, are totally mistaken." "A miserably bad book, and of no authority." Chief Justice Gibson says, "it is a book which can claim nothing beyond the intrinsic evidence of reason and good sense, apparent in the Cases it contains." 1 Burr. 386; (2) 1062; (3) 1326; 7 T. R, 239 ; 3 M. & R. 405 ; 1 Hall's J. Juris. 226. . Vol. IX. Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery, from 8 to 1 1 Geo. I.; to which are added some Special Cases on Appeals ; and an additional Series of Cases in the Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Hard- wicke, from M. T., 10 Geo. IL, to T. T., 28 Geo. II. 5lh ed. By T. Leach. 8vo. London. 1795. Some Cases, during the time of Lord Hardwicke, had not hitherto been published, till they appeared in this volume. . Vol. X. Cases in Law and Equity, chiefly during the time the late Earl of Macclesfield presided in the Courts of 520