Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/545

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NEA NAPIER, JOSEPH. A Manual of Precedents, containing Forms and Declarations on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; with a Digested Summary of various Points relating thereto. 8vo. Dublin. 1831. . An Historical Introduction, and Practical Treatise on the Law of Prescription. Svo. Edinburgh. 1839. " A work of great learning and research." 18 L. 0. 261. NARES, J. A Summary of the Law on Penal Convictions. Svo. London. 1815. NASH, F., J. IREDELL, and W. H. BATTLE. Revised Sta- tutes of the State of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly, in 183G-37 ; together with Charters, Deeds of Grant, &c., before the Revolution ; the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the State, with the Amendments thereto ; the Constitution of the United States, with the Amendments ; the Treaty of Peace of 1783 ; the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, with a short Narrative thereof. 2 vols. Svo. Raleigh. 1837. NATURA BREVIUM. La vieux Natura Brevium. Svo. Lon- don. 1584. " The Old Natura Brevium setteth forth, with accuracy and care, the diversities and natures of many original writs, with their process; and helpeth much to the understanding, not only of The Register, (Regis- trum Brevium,) but also of the law of the land." To the writs are annexed, short comments upon them, explaining their nature, applica- tion, and effect. It is not known by whom this very ancient book was compiled, nor exactly when it was first printed, but, probably, before 1516, by R. Pinson. Thomas Phayer is believed to have translated it into English, under the following title : — Natura Brevium. Newly cor- rected in Evglyshe, with dyvers Addicions of Statutes, Bake Cases, Flees in Ahatementes of sayde Wryttes, and their Dcclaracyons, and Barres to the same, added and put in theyr Places most conveniente. 12mo., London, 1528. It was simply called the Natura Brevium, till after Fitz-herbert wrote a book of the same kind, and then it became known as the Old Natura Brevium, to distinguish it from Fitz-herbert's, which was called the New Natura Brevium. There are some twelve French, and half that number of English editions. Bridg. Leg. Bib. 223 ; 3 Reeves' Hist. 151 ; Pref. Fitz. N. B. ; Nic. Eng. Hist. Lib. 162. NEALE, T. An Abstract of the Sea Laws, as established in most Kingdoms of Europe, more particularly in England and Scotland. Svo. London. 1704. 533