Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/551

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NOL NICOLAS, SIR HARRIS. History of the Earldom of Strathern, Monteith, and Airth ; with a Report of the Proceedings before the House of Lords, on the Claim of Robert Barclay AUardice, E^q., to the Earldom of Airth. 8vo. London. 1842. ^— . Notilia Historica, containing Tables, Calendars, and Miscellaneous Information for the Use of Historians, Anti- quaries, and the Legal Profession. Svo. London. 1824. NICOLLS, S. W. A Brief Exposition of the Laws relative to Wills and Testaments ; with an Abstract of the 36 Geo. III. c. 52. Svo. London. 1796. NICKLIN, P. H. Remarks on Literary Property. Svo. Phila- delphia. 1838. NICOLSON, WM. Leges Marchiarum ; or Border Laws ; con- taining several Original Articles and Treaties made and agreed upon by the Commissioners of the respective Kings of England and Scotland, for the better Preservation of Peace and Commerce upon the Marches of both Kingdoms, from Henry HI. to the Union of the two Crowns in James I. with a Preface, and an Appendix of Charters and Records. Svo. London. 1747. NICKALLS, JAMES. Statutes of the Province of Upper Cana- da ; together with such British Statutes, Ordinances of Quebec, and Proclamations, as relate to the said Province from 1791 to 1831, Revised by James Nickalls. fol. Kingston. 1831. NISBET, SIR JOHN, of Dirleton. Doubts and Questions in the Law especially of Scotland ; as also some Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, fol. Edinburgh. 1698. NOBILITY. A Treatise of the Nobility of the Realme, collected out of the Body of the Common Law. Svo. London. 1642. NOLAN, M. Reports of Cases relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of Peace, from 1791 to 1793. Svo. London. 1793. . Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settle- ment of the Poor. 4th edit. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1825. It is a very full Treatise upon every subject connected with the Poor Laws, and is a text book " from which the profession derive great assist- ance," but it lacks two requisites in a good treatise, conciseness and precision. 4 Barn, and Cres. 939 ; (6) 73G ; 1 L. M. 603. 539