Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/554

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NOY Reports, penes edilorem, tkere is the followinw observation upon them in manuscript — ^i simple collection of scraps of Cases made by Serjeant Size from JVoy^s loose papers, and imposed upon the world for the Reports of that vile prerogative fellow Noy. Whether it is Size's Abridgment of Noy's Reports, or a selection from Noy's MSS., the volume does not appear to have enjoyed a very good reputation. Duller, J. says that book has al- ways been considered a bad authority. Trisden, J. rejected it altogether because it was Size's Abridgment. Lord Thurlow calls Carthew and Noy equally bad authority, and Chancellor Kent finds one case at least in them anomalous, and which cannot be law. It is probable, however, that in cases where applicable, Noy's Reports ought not to be, and would not be ordinarily altogether rejected, and that they are of some value notwithstanding Noy was a vile prerogative fellow, and Serjeant Size may have abridged them. " Noy was a person that hated any thing of Pro- lixness. He was a man that writ multum in parvo. Although his Reports are not so large as some of our modern copies of others have been, yet you'll find him upon his pleadings notably quaint and subtle." They were taken in French, and translated before publication. Co. Lit. 54, a n. ; Johnson's Life of Coke, Degg's Par. Counc. 54, and in fine ,• Vent, 81 ; 2 Keb. G52 ; 2 Johnson's R. 72; 3 D. & E. 424; Wallace's Rep. xxii. 19; No. G3, L. M. 103. NOY, WM. A Treatise of the Rights of the Crown ; declaring how the King of England may support and increase his Annual Revenues. 8vo. London. 1715. . The compleat Lawyer ; or a Treatise concerning Tenures and Estates in Lands of Inheritance for Life, and other Hereditaments and Chattels, Real and Personal ; together with Observations on the Author's Life. 8vo. London. 1674. ■■ : A Treatise of the Principal Grounds and Maximes of the Lawes of this Kingdome. 4to. London. 1641. 7th and 8th editions by Charles Barton, to which is annexed a Treatise of Estates, by Sir J. Dodridge, and Observations on a Deed of Feoff- ment, by T. H. 12mo. London. 1817. 9th edition, with a Sketch of the Author's Life, by W. M. Bythewood, 12mo. London. 1821. 2d American edition, by W. Hening, with References to Modern Authorities, both British and American. 8vo. Richmond. 1824. All of Noy's writings were left in MS. at his death, but published soon after. His Maxims written in French, were translated by a person who was neither well acquainted with the language of the work, nor understood the subjects of which it treated. The defective translation 542