Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/557

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OKE O'DONOGIIUE, JOHN. The Summary Jurisdiction of Maalg. trates, being a Precis of all the Acts or parts of them as are administrable at the Petty Sessions Courts in Ireland, with an Appendix on the Course of Proceeding, deduced from the Latest Authorities. 8vo. Dublin. 1835. OFFICIUiVI CLERICI PACIS. A Book of Indictments, Infor- mations, &c. 3d ed. Svo. London. 1726. OFFICE of a Sheriff's Officer; as also of a Commissary, Town, Dean of Guild, and Baron Officer. 12m. Edinburgh. 1821. OFFICE and Duty of Petty Constables, Churchwardens, Over- seers of the Poor, Watch, Surveyors of Highways, Bridges, Causeways, County Treasurers, Gaolers, and Masters of Houses of Correction in Ireland. r2mo. Dublin. 1720. OFFICINA BREVIUM. Select and Approved Forms of Judicial Writs and other Process ; with their Returns and Entries in the Court of Common Pleas. Also Special Pleadings to Writs of Scire Facias, &c. fol. London. 1679. OGILVIE, W. An Essay on the Right of Property in Land, with respect to its Foundation in the Law of Nature ; its Present Estab- lishment by the Municipal Laws of Europe, and the Regulations by which it might be rendered more beneficial to the lower ranks of mankind. Svo. London. 1781. OHIO. A Compilation of Laws, &c., of the General and State Governments, relating to Lands in the State of Ohio. Svo. Co- lumbus. 1825. . Acts of a General Nature, enacted, revised, and ordered to be reprinted, at the First Session of the 29th General Assem- bly of Ohio. Published by Authority. Svo. Columbus. 1831. •. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio, from 1821 to 1844. 12 vols. Svo. Vols. 1 to 9 by C. Hammond, vol. 10 by P. W. Wilcox, vols. 11 and 12 by E. M. Stanton. OKEY, C. H. A Concise Digest of the Laws, Usage, and Cus- tom affecting the Commercial and Civil Intercourse of the Sub- jects of Great Britain and France. 6th ed., with considerable additions. Svo. Paris. 1842. 35 545