Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/560

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OSG OLIVER, 13. L. American Citizen; The Rights of an American Citizen ; with a Commentary on State Rights, and on the Con- stitution and PoUcy of the United States. 8vo. Boston. 1832. . Forms in Chancery, Admiralty, and at Common Law, adapted to the Practice of the Federal and State Courts. 8vo. Boston. 1842. . The Law Summary ; a Collection of Legal Tracts on Subjects of General Application in Business. 2d ed. Bvo. Hallowell. 1833. It is an epitome of the law that will be useful to others than members of the profession. 6 A. J. 231. OMPTEDA, BARON VON. Neue Literatur des Volker-Rechts; Anew enlarged edition, by C. A. Von Kamptz. 8vo. Berlin. 1817. ONSLOW'S Nisi Prius. See Institutes. OPINIONS of the Attorneys General, ^^ee Gilpin. ORDONNANCE de Louis XIV. See Valin. ORD, M. An Essay on the Law of Usury. 3d ed, 8vo. don. 1809 8vo. New York. 1804. With Notes and Ref- rences, by Thomas Day. 8vo. Hartford. 1809. ORME, R. A Practical Digest of the Election Laws. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1812. ORPHANS.' The Case of Orphans Considered from Antiquity; with some Remarks on the Courts of W^ards, and why jjutdown, as also on the Court of Chancery having the Disposition of Or- phans' Money. 8vo. London. 1725. ORTOLAN, M. Cours Public d'Histoire du Droit Politique et Constitutional. 8vo. Paris. 1844. OSBORNE, D. G. The Nature and Form of Actions, and the Rules and Principles of Pleading, in a Series of Questions, with Answers; Illustrated by Examples and Notes. 12mo. London. 1844. OSGOODE, WM. Remarks on the Laws of Descent, and on the Reasons assigned by Mr. Justice Blackstone for Rejecting, in his Table of Descent, a Point of Doctrine laid down in Plowden, Lord Bacon, and Hale. 4to. London. 1779. 548